"When are student work samples, grades and attendance due?": Work samples, grades and attendance records are due at the end of each semester. We will send out a friendly reminder via email just before they are due.
"What types of work samples should we submit?": Please submit your student's BEST written and BEST math sample for each semester. Please do not turn in worksheets with "fill in the blank" responses or computer generated tests. Math samples should demonstrate your student's understanding of computation. Written samples should demonstrate spelling, sentence structure, correct use of grammar and logical thought.
"I have forgotten how to fill out the attendance form---help!": Your attendance form should show that your student has been educated for a minimum of 90 days per semester. On your attendance form, indicate your starting date and finishing date for each semester. Only mark absences and holidays. (In home education there are typically no absences as "sick days" can be redeemed by weekend or holiday work.)
"I am confused about units or credits on my student's semester grade report." Please contact Carla Müller for any clarification of units or "college prep" designation for your student's courses.
"Should I give my student a letter or a percentage grade on their semester report?" A letter grade is preferable. However, please use the accepted standard for grading: "A"= 90 - 100% "B"= 80-89% "C"= 70-79% "D"= 60-69% Below 60% is a Fail.
"Should I use "plusses" and "minuses" on my grade report?: You may use "plusses" and "minuses" on your semester grade reports, but it is not necessary. Simply use the accepted standard for grading above. However, please avoid "A+" grading unless your student has done EXTRA work above and beyond your course of study.
"Does my student need a work permit if he or she wants to get a part-time job?": Yes. You will need to contact Carla Müller to pick up a signed "Intent to Apply for a Work Permit" BEFORE your student starts a job search.
"My student is interested in attending Junior College during his High School years. Where do I start?": First you will need a signed "Concurrent Enrollment Form". Contact Carla Müller for this form.
"How does my student enroll at the Regional Occupational Center?" Contact Carla Müller to begin this process. ROC courses typically run for one-year and applications should be made by the month of May preceding the academic year. Your student will need an ROC Counseling appointment to be secured by your Administrator/Counselor.
"My student has lost his 'Student I.D. Card'. How can I get a replacement?": Please email for a replacement. TCA provides one I.D. card. Replacements are $10 each.
"My Auto Insurance company requires a 'Grade Report' in order for my student to be eligible for a 'Good Student Discount'. Will TCA issue one to them?" TCA will send your insurance company an official copy of your student's transcripts." Please contact Carla Müller with your request and the address of your insurance company.
"Does TCA provide 8th grade or High School graduation ceremonies?": TCA partners with HERC (Home Educators' Resource Center) for all graduation ceremonies. Please check out their website for information concerning graduation or contact Carla Müller to let her know of your interest in the ceremony. <www.hercbakersfield.org>_
"My high school student does not want to take the ACT or the SAT. Is this testing necessary?" YES. If your student EVER wants to attend college and apply for grants or scholarships, an SAT or ACT score is absolutely necessary. However, it is not necessarily the size of the score that is important to this process, but rather the fact that your student acknowledged the given educational 'standard' by taking the test. Without the SAT or ACT there is no other way of 'grade verification' for students attending a PSSP, a private religious school or any other unaccredited high school.
"What types of work samples should we submit?": Please submit your student's BEST written and BEST math sample for each semester. Please do not turn in worksheets with "fill in the blank" responses or computer generated tests. Math samples should demonstrate your student's understanding of computation. Written samples should demonstrate spelling, sentence structure, correct use of grammar and logical thought.
"I have forgotten how to fill out the attendance form---help!": Your attendance form should show that your student has been educated for a minimum of 90 days per semester. On your attendance form, indicate your starting date and finishing date for each semester. Only mark absences and holidays. (In home education there are typically no absences as "sick days" can be redeemed by weekend or holiday work.)
"I am confused about units or credits on my student's semester grade report." Please contact Carla Müller for any clarification of units or "college prep" designation for your student's courses.
"Should I give my student a letter or a percentage grade on their semester report?" A letter grade is preferable. However, please use the accepted standard for grading: "A"= 90 - 100% "B"= 80-89% "C"= 70-79% "D"= 60-69% Below 60% is a Fail.
"Should I use "plusses" and "minuses" on my grade report?: You may use "plusses" and "minuses" on your semester grade reports, but it is not necessary. Simply use the accepted standard for grading above. However, please avoid "A+" grading unless your student has done EXTRA work above and beyond your course of study.
"Does my student need a work permit if he or she wants to get a part-time job?": Yes. You will need to contact Carla Müller to pick up a signed "Intent to Apply for a Work Permit" BEFORE your student starts a job search.
"My student is interested in attending Junior College during his High School years. Where do I start?": First you will need a signed "Concurrent Enrollment Form". Contact Carla Müller for this form.
"How does my student enroll at the Regional Occupational Center?" Contact Carla Müller to begin this process. ROC courses typically run for one-year and applications should be made by the month of May preceding the academic year. Your student will need an ROC Counseling appointment to be secured by your Administrator/Counselor.
"My student has lost his 'Student I.D. Card'. How can I get a replacement?": Please email for a replacement. TCA provides one I.D. card. Replacements are $10 each.
"My Auto Insurance company requires a 'Grade Report' in order for my student to be eligible for a 'Good Student Discount'. Will TCA issue one to them?" TCA will send your insurance company an official copy of your student's transcripts." Please contact Carla Müller with your request and the address of your insurance company.
"Does TCA provide 8th grade or High School graduation ceremonies?": TCA partners with HERC (Home Educators' Resource Center) for all graduation ceremonies. Please check out their website for information concerning graduation or contact Carla Müller to let her know of your interest in the ceremony. <www.hercbakersfield.org>_
"My high school student does not want to take the ACT or the SAT. Is this testing necessary?" YES. If your student EVER wants to attend college and apply for grants or scholarships, an SAT or ACT score is absolutely necessary. However, it is not necessarily the size of the score that is important to this process, but rather the fact that your student acknowledged the given educational 'standard' by taking the test. Without the SAT or ACT there is no other way of 'grade verification' for students attending a PSSP, a private religious school or any other unaccredited high school.